Monday, June 21, 2010

Recaps and Ratings

I apologize for I am quite behind on my posts (not that there is anyone reading this I'm sure). Regardless, here's a brief recap on what I've seen recently and an introduction to a new rating system which will lend to a greater (although false) sense of legitimacy!

New/Recent DVD releases I have recently seen:
     The Young Victoria
     The Wolfman
     Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
     The Book of Eli

New Theater releases:
     Robin Hood
     Sex and the City 2
     The Karate Kid

Now I must say that I enjoyed each of these films quite a bit, granted for very different reasons. Now let me introduce a rating system that will help me better explain my thoughts. First, I am rating these films on a couple of different categories: entertainment value, story quality, and film quality.

Entertainment value: This category represents the enjoyment factor: Did I enjoy myself? Did it get my adrenaline pumping? Did it make me laugh? Did it make me cry? Did I enjoy this film for what it was-- For example, Sex and the City 2- I enjoyed the movie as a mindless chick-flick that made me laugh when it was supposed to. It was not serious. It was not a breakthrough film on any measure of the imagination, and I don't think it was supposed to be. It was simply entertaining and nothing of substance, but sometimes that's absolutely fine.

Story quality: This category looks at the quality of the plot. I try to look at this category as having two sides: one which looks at the plots "fullness" and another that looks at its originality. It wouldn't be fair to make originality its own category because it is such a rare thing in films today, especially mainstream movies. And when I refer to the "fullness" of the film I mean does the story have the usual parts (beginning, middle, and end)? At the end of a film some answers need to be discovered, some resolution needs to be had; that's what I mean by "fullness".

Film quality: This category looks at the quality of the movie magic and the makers of the film. How was the dialogue? How were the actors? The effects? Was it well done?

So I'm going to try out this new rating system and might tweak things as I go along. Each category is out of 5 and then an overall average. Let me know what you think.