Monday, September 20, 2010

Now on DVD: Chick Flick Edition

Our Family Wedding (Rated PG-13)
Average: 2/5

Entertainment: 2/5
Story: 2/5
Film: 2/5

This was basically "Guess Who" but instead of a black girl meets white boy, it was black boy meets hispanic girl. I was fairly disappointed with this film. I wasn't expecting movie magic, but I was expecting to laugh and laugh and laugh. While there were some great moments, such as the awkward moment when the groom's father's date is an old classmate of the bride, but unfortunately I didn't laugh anywhere near as much as I thought I should have for this film.

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Leap Year (Rated PG)
Average: 2.2/5

Entertainment: 2.5/5
Story: 2/5
Film: 2/5

As with all great rom-coms (aka romantic comedies) we all know exactly what will happen, but we still expect to be captivated as though we didn't. "Leap Year" is carried by Amy Adams who is the princess of playing the naive and high-maintenance damsel in distress; like all women (according to the great tradition of rom-coms) is justing waiting for her prince charming boyfriend to propose marriage. Like all men (according to rom-coms), he just never seems to take a hint- luckily it's a leap year and Adams is presented with the perfect solution: just ask him! In the end Adams cannot carry this comedy alone, and it falls a little short, but it's still a sweet film and you still care about our heroes finding their happily ever after.

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New In Town (Rated PG)
Average: 3.5/5

Entertainment: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Film: 3/5

Reviews of "New in Town" were not the best, but I really loved it. I mean, it's a less than original storyline, but what chick-flick isn't? What this film really has going for it are the accents and small-town awesomeness; Siobhan Fallon (Beatrice from Men in Black and Dorothy Harris, Bus Driver in Forrest Gump) as Blanche Gunderson- a name that's as sweet as her tapioca pudding!- and J.K. Simmons (Mr. MacGuff, Juno) as Stu Kopenhafer are absolutely fantastic dontcha know. Zellweger is good as playing the "cute as a button" heroine, offering comic relief with her bumps and falls and helplessness, but the filmmakers betrayed her by making her look so old throughout much of the film.

I think the issue for some is that this is not your typical rom-com. While the film is about whether uptight businesswoman Zellweger will steal the heart of  the true blue-collar boy-next-door (we certainly hope so since he's the only eligible bachelor in town!), this film is more about Zellweger's icy exterior melting and using her heart to save the local plant from closing. In that sense, the romance is more of an afterthought, but I really don't mind and enjoy this cute, feel-good flick. 

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The Last Song (Rated PG)
Average: 2.8/5

Entertainment: 2.5/5
Story: 3/5
Film: 3/5

Once I got past/ became numb to Miley Cyrus' annoying voice, I found myself enjoying the film. I found it to be pretty average as a film, but with lots of potential since I'm a sucker for a Nicholas Spark story- I mean, c'mon when affection and love blossoms over the protection of sea turtle eggs, who wouldn't melt a little- *sigh*. 

And like all Nicholas Sparks films, I found myself waiting for the sad twist, trying to guess who dies or whatever, and trying to brace myself for the moment when I know I would inevitably tear up in spite of all my will to not do so- Spoiler alert: yes, someone eventually dies, and yes, I did tear up in spite of my resolve. All in all not a bad film, but I couldn't help but compare it to "Life as a House" which I thought was a much better film.

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Dear John (Rated PG-13)
Average: 2.8/5

Entertainment: 2.5/5
Story: 3/5
Film: 3/5

My comments will be very similar to those for "The Last Song" as for all Nicholas Sparks films, so I will simply copy and paste! :)

"Like all Nicholas Sparks films, I found myself waiting for the sad twist, trying to guess who dies or whatever, and trying to brace myself for the moment when I know I would inevitably tear up in spite of all my will to not do so- Spoiler alert: yes, someone eventually dies, and yes, I did tear up in spite of my resolve."

Again, I'm a sucker for Nicholas Sparks stories and this is no different; I appreciate the idea that true loves will find a way to stand the tests, twists and turns, and pains of time and of life. An average film, but definitely sweet.   

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