Friday, September 17, 2010

So Movies So Little Time...Now on DVD Continued

A brief recap of recent DVD releases I have seen:

  The Wolfman (Rated R)
Average: 3.2/5

Entertainment: 3/5- If you're looking for a thriller, The Wolfman will put you on edge, give you goosebumps and satisfy a thirst for blood, but probably not to the extent that you would like if you are a true fan of horror films. For me, the psychological thrills of the film were much more intriguing than the startling, jump-out-of-my-seat aspects of the film, but to each their own.

Story: 2.5/5- I felt like the story was lacking a little in its sense of fullness. I felt like the film lacked some foundation in the characters' background stories, in particular regarding Emily Blunt's character, who seems to not deserve a lot of character development because she is the token damsel in distress and yet must ultimately help save the day.

Film: 4/5- The quality of the film quickly surpasses the shortfall of the plot and some character development. Roger Ebert's review of the film best describes the success of director Joe Johnston, photographer Shelly Johnson, designer Rick Hendrichs and composer Danny Elfman to create an atmosphere of ominous gloom that masterfully creates a period and place for the film. They are able to weave a cloak of haunting sadness and foreboding around the viewer that is a rare experience. And then there's Anthony Hopkins, a man that knows how to play creepy in such a psychologically fearsome way, his performance at times so subtle and yet so powerful, I'm still an awe.

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Daybreakers (Rated R)
Average: 2.8/5

Entertainment: 3/5- I enjoyed the unique spin on this genre, but I thought the blood and guts and gore was a little excessive and unnecessary.
Story: 3/5- A vampire with a conscience, Ethan Hawke's character is a dark hero in the tradition of Wesley Snipe's Blade, but with a science degree! I felt there were a few too many gaps in the storyline where the plot fell short, and yet there were moments of brilliance such as the side-story of the villain businessman's relationship with his daughter.  In the end I applaud the intriguing spin on the all-too-common story of vampires and the potential end of the human race, with a hematologist as our unlikely hero; it's like a geeky Blade meets I Am Legend in an attempt to offer something different from the overload of apocalyptic films out there these days.

Film: 2.5/5- Overall not an outstanding film; enjoyable but nothing special. As I previously said the gratuitous excess of blood and guts and gore was simply unnecessary.

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Gamer (Rated R)
Average: 3.2/5

Entertainment: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Film: 3/5

Far from original; it's "Death Race" meets video games. It's an average film, but I really enjoyed the story. Plenty of entertainment and action. And there's even a scene where Gerard Butler fuels a car with the alcohol in his urine... far fetched but what drunk wouldn't want a future like that? Then again you could argue he was expelling the alcohol prior to driving? ;) (Yea, a bit much, but it was entertaining) The only real shortcoming regarding the story, I was expecting more from the storyline regarding Butler's controller, Simon, a spoiled rich kid who sits around all day controlling Butler's life and living as a celebrity in a cyber world. I personally think critics were overally harsh on the film, but in the end I say lots of great commentary on current society and our obsession with our cyber world, and probably more of a cautionary tale than we want to acknowledge.
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Surrogates (Rated PG-13)
Average: 3/5

Entertainment: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Film: 3/5

Cut from the same cloth as "Gamer", this is another commentary on society's cyber obession- taking it to a new level where we simply stay at home and live our lives through robotic surrogates. Pathetic really, even sexual encounters happen between these shells of our actual selves. Overall an average film, but I really was having trouble dealing with the overally fake Barbi-doll hair and taking these robots seriously.  
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The Book of Eli (Rated R)
Average: 3.5/5

Entertainment: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Film: 3.5/5
Really fantastic; "The Book of Eli" is great to watch. A little slow at times, but totally worth it. I absolutely love it when a movie has that twist at the end that just throws you and you immediately have to watch it again to see all the little things you missed that point to the big picture. This is one of those movies, and it does it beautifully. Roger Ebert put it best when he described these "WTF! Moments"- Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman are fantastic as always, but Jennifer Beals, playing Oldman's abused blind wife is the wonderful treasure that occasionally graces the screen, each moment a brief shining light.  The symbolism is all subtle and artful and truly enjoyable.  This is definitely a movie you will have to watch more than once.
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Repo Men (Rated R)
Average: 3.3/5

Entertainment: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Film: 3/5

Another sci-fi commentary on problems in society today, but unlike "Gamer" or "Surrogates", "Repo Men" takes a stance on issues regarding the health care industry- yes, the industry- through the sale of artificial organs and the barbaric repossession of those organs (while you're still alive I might add!- but hey, they do ask if you would like an ambulance on stand-by while you're unconscious) if you can't make your monthly payments.

Roger Ebert jokingly comments on the film as presenting the futuristic "strongest possible case of universal health care"- but his sarcastic review is quite accurate in my opinion.  The film seemed very sattirical, whether or not that was intentional I do not know. I'm going to go ahead and pretend that was the plan all along- makes it more enjoyable. Lots of gratuitous semi-artful blood splatter, and many unrealistic fight scenes, the film is an action buff's joy. I enjoyed the film, but I wasn't fully convinced by Forrest Whitaker's performance. To me, he seemed like he's a bit too mature of an actor to play the rough and tumble trigger-happy ex-military man who likes to party, but he pulled it off ok and even grew on me more the second time I watched the film. I liked the twist at the end (yay for movies that keep you guessing), even though it was sad...spoiler alert: the big bad businessmen win :(

PS- This may just make me seem SO weird, but I personally was much more disturbed during the repo scenes when Jude Law was putting bloody scalpels and tools in his mouth than by the cutting and digging around for the organs themselves. Maybe that's just me and my science/medical/forensics background, but that's what really made me cringe.

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Clash of the Titans (Rated PG-13)
Average: 2/5

Entertainment: 2.5/5
Story: 1.5/5
Film: 2/5

Personally I love Greek mythology and I love some of these actors, but this movie was mediocre at best. I mean, with the rich mythological story-lines that the Greeks have to offer this film simply fell short and did not do them justice. I was hoping for spectacular images and dramatic climax- Zeus was releasing the infamous Kraken  for goodness sake!- But this supposedly fantastic and fearsome creature was as underwhelming as this film.

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Shutter Island (Rated R)

Entertainment: 4/5
Story: 4.5/5
Film: 4.5/5

It was a little slow getting into the film, but totally worth it. I really enjoyed this film. Martin Scorsese immediately envelopes the audience in this gloomy and foreboding atmosphere, and  with the artfully ominous nature of the film you know there's a secret and that you need to be on your toes.

You find yourself absorbing and thinking like Marshal Teddy Daniels (yet another captivating performance by Leonardo DiCaprio), questioning every shady and evasive comment and action of the caretakers of our gothic setting. "Something's just not adding up"-and you spend the entire film trying to figure out what everyone's hiding from you, only to be somewhat blindsided by the climax. I feel like the twist was masterfully done so that you felt it in your senses and you truly question your ability to perceive reality- Roger Ebert's review said it best when he suggests that "the uncertainty it causes prevents the film from feeling perfect on [its] first viewing."

Lots of fantastic acting in this film; DiCaprio continues to set himself apart from other leading men with his depth and range. Another noteworthy performance came from Ben Kingsley, who exuded a subtle menace that was outstanding. Overall a thrilling gothic and pschological film, once you get past the slower easing pace of the story; it's a puzzle you just want to piece together but can't and when the big picture is revealled to you, you just want to go back and watch it again and reattack that puzzle.

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